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What is Ewings sarcoma?


-  April 5, 2006  -

Hi Everyone,

Joe's white blood cell count is over the magic 2.0 figure today (2.1 to be exact) so it looks like we will try the surgery again tomorrow.  I think they will check his blood again tomorrow morning just to be sure so we're not definite by any means but hopefully he will at least maintain his level. Surgery is scheduled for 9am and is expected to last 3-4 hours.  

One other thing I think I told some of you but not everyone.  Yesterday Dr. McGrath said he had a chance to study Joe's MRI closely and decided he could leave the peroneal nerve alone.  If the peroneal nerve did have to be removed Joe would end up with a drop foot which isn't the end of the world (considering everything else going on) but at least that is one less thing Joe will have to deal with.


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